Saturday, October 16, 2010


I know everyone was worried we were starving... aka all we do is take pictures of foodVietnamese food!
Emporio La Rosa
Cafe Soho
Avocado, tomato, basil, and cheese toast after a trip to the veggie market

Look- we even eat healthy food sometimes too!
... but mostly we just eat ice cream
French bread sandwiches
Cafe de Las Artes


  1. Are you 2 getting special treatment, or something? All these things are beautiful! YUM... no worry that you are starving.

  2. Have I mentioned lately that I am jealous????? And I miss you guys and Santiago!! I did make some pretty kick-ass Pad Thai last night though. Oh Valparaíso. So good.

  3. Ahh yes... I suppose we are getting special treatment, because we clearly love eating and love life so much! And because we have befriended every waiter we meet!

    Morgan- we miss you too!! Come backkkkkk :)
