Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Play time!

(We bought light up Chile horns to wear during their match, even though we couldn't watch it. We did, however, listen to the end of it on the radio driving home from the field. A true test of Spanish vocabulary is listening to the radio!)

In the last week I have spent almost every day in the field, doing radio telemetry and tracking degu movements. In the time off from the field I have watched as many World Cup games as possible (adios Chile, England, and USA :( ). We discovered a fantastic pizza place with trees growing through the building. We also tried the "national soda", Pap, which has the most unfortunate name ever, and a color and taste to match. Yuck.

Morgan and I had an exciting night involving soccer, pub food, dessert with absurdly large utensils, a grocery shopping trip that resulted in a giant bag of mustard which was a) chosen not only for its giant size and amazing cheap-ness, but also because there is a picture of a fried piece of chicken with a face drawn on it with mustard and b) when asking some local colleagues what to do with a giant bag of condiment once it is opened, were informed that those are for restaurants and not normal houses. So now we have about 6 months worth of slightly weird tasting mustard in a bag that cannot be resealed in our fridge.
Also on the way home from our very exciting game/pub/grocery store/riding the metro night, we arrived in front of our apartment to find a small crowd of people taking pictures of some guy. So we naturally decided to take a picture as well, because clearly he was famous or something. One of the guys from the crowd came over and asked if we had taken a photo. Morgan replied yes, and asked who the person was. Guy was surprised we didn’t know, and explained he is the singer from the Screaming Trees, a grunge band from the 80s. Seeing our blank looks he added- “from Queens of the Stone Age” and we said ohhhh, we’ve heard of them! So we had a semi-famous person sighting to top it all off!


  1. Listen. I need to clear something up here. Was it the singer of Screaming Trees? Who also now plays guitar in Queens of the Stone Age? Or the singer of Queens of the Stone Age, who also once played guitar in the Screaming Trees? Who is additionally married to Brody (of distillers and tim armstrongs ex wife fame)? THE WORLD MUST KNOW!! Also. you totally know who the screaming trees are. How could you ever forget THIS SONG!?:

    miss you!!


  2. Annie- thank you for clearing that up! He is definitely the singer from Screaming Trees (who I totally recognize now. I guess I just hadn't thought about it that hard) and also plays guitar in Queens of the Stone Age. And Brody is married to the singer from Queens of the Stone Age?! I feel like I probably also knew that, but didn't properly file it away in my brain. I also feel like Queens of the Stone age came to UEA when I was studying in Norwich and landed their helicopter outside of my room on the helipad there... but again, not properly filed and it may have been another super popular at the time band that I knew of but didn't particularly care about... Regardless, I have cleared up confusion in my blog post!

    Also. I miss you too!!!
